Google AdWords Third Party Compliance Notice

At the Pinball Fundi  our goal is to be a transparent company. Google has put audits in place that check agencies for Google Third Party Compliance. This policy requires that we provide our clients with a transparent, clear, and honest representation of our AdWords services.


Google requires the following statement from all Google AdWords Partners:


  •  “At the minimum provide advertisers with monthly data on AdWords costs, clicks and impressions at the account level.”
  • “All third parties primarily serving small to medium-sized clients are required to provide the Google Disclosure Notice.”
  • “Third parties may not engage in unclear, deceptive or harassing sales practices.”
  • “Third parties may not misrepresent their relationship to Google.”
  • “You may not make improper guarantees about Google to your clients.”
  • “You may not violate Google’s branding guidelines.”
  • “You may not improperly use AdWords accounts, or AdWords marketing or sales material.”


The Disclosure Notice:

You can view the full disclosure notice here. As someone considering management for your Google AdWords account, I highly suggest that you read this disclosure notice to educate yourself with identifying rouge AdWords agencies.


Familiarise yourself with what is required by third parties by reading the  Google Third Party Policy,  to better protect your own company and investment into Google AdWords advertising.




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